Wednesday, October 31, 2012

BGC - Bad Girls Just Wanna Have FUN!

I'm sure most of you have heard of the infamous show, Bad Girls Club. If you haven't...basically a group of about 8 or 9 girls audition to be on this reality show. Once they are selected they are put in a fabulous house to start drama and for us to sit back and watch it all unfold. I feel as though it was really hard to have a favorite this season. One minute my favorite was Falen the next Christina and then Andrea. None of them seemed consistent or real through out the show, all them were fake in some way.  And none of them were as tough as they acted. Actually I take that back! Just in case Christina or Erica see this blog. Julie, the MAIN one saying that she ran the house, was got her BLEEP beat! For the second or third time. So I really don't understand how she ran the house, I mean do because she was the cause of almost every person who left and behind every fight but how can you be the leader when no one fears you. You claim to be all big and bad yet don't back none of it. Chile pleaaaaaaase. The her best friend Falen is the same exact way smh so sad. I guess that's what they had in common. It's not like they couldn't have known that they couldn't obviously if you lose every fight you're in you can pretty much just determine that you don't have hands. It's okay, I can't fight and I know it. But you don't see me going around CLAIMING that I CAN fight, cause then you just look stupid. That's how exactly how Falen and Julie look, STUPID. I don't know about you but uhhhh I thought Bad Girls held their own, that's just MY opinion tho.
And then Falen is just disappointing cause she's supposed to represent the DMV and yet she is so fake and just UGH. Nobody from the DMV claims her anymore. At the beginning of the show everyone was like YAY! Somebody from the DMV this gon be good. But by the end of the episode, everyone was just like "They really couldn't have found anyone better?" So I'm just looking forward to the net reunion which is next week!
On the next one, Falen gets her BLEEP beat again, but hey! That's no big deal we're all used to that happening. Her bestfriend gets hers beat as well. Yay bestfriend duo!!!!

Monday, October 8, 2012

So I forgot all about T.I. and Tiny's show! I'm currently watching it and I am currently DYING of laughter! Tiny, T.I.'s wife, went with her friend to go get her colon cleansed because she wanted to lose weight but didn't want to workout. After she sees the tubes that will essentially be stuck in her butt she starts freaking out claiming that "my butt is a virgin" <-- that is where the laughing started. She started to see all the different sizes of tubes and realizes that any tube in her going to be a tube her in butt...but she does end up going through with it. As soon as its over she jumps and says "I gotta go! I gotta go real fast!" and as she's in the bathroom she keep exclaiming "Awwwh f***" and meanwhile Tiny is standing outside of the bathroom dying of laughter herself. She was contemplating doing the

Then Tip (T.I.) goes on this rampage about fitness and takes his family to the track. Major, his youngest son who is four, is SOOOOOO cute. I think the whole world would agree. He uses the Obama fitness challenge and makes it the Harris family fitness challenge. The funniest thing to do is watch how hard Major tries but how he fails everytime. When I say it is the cutest it is THE cutest thing ever!   But he never ever ever gave up and thats ultimately what Tip wanted.

     Shacona, Tinys friend, was supposed to come to the track and workout with them but after her colon cleanse she just wasn't really feeling up to it. She said she had been going to the bathroom ever since the day before after the surgery. Therefor she kinda sorta but not really had an excuse, because who knew if she was telling the truth.

      But every time I watch this show I like Tip more and more. He seems like a great father, husband and family man. It doesn't seemed forced, it seems to come natural. I love tuning in to see this show! Mondays at 9 people don't forget!

Scandalicious? Maybe Maybeee

      After Greys Anatomy I decided I was so blown away that I didn't get up, I just stayed on the couch. But, to my pleasure, there was a new series coming on that I had never seen. So my mama and I decided to watch it together =) the name Scandal really does the fit the show as it is VERY scandalous. The main character, I don't remember her name but she's played by that black lady with the weird lips, is having an affair with the President of the United States =O shockerrrrr! So she able to pull some strings on the case she is working on. A well known Pastor, known as Americas Pastor, is found dead on top his mistress of about 6 or 7 years. So they have to move the body from the hotel his house so that his wife can lie and say that is where she found him. If it got out that he had been having an affair that whole time his reputation would have been done for.
      They thought they would not ask for an auto topsy because of some weird reason...I forget, but yeah, so they thought they were in the clear and would get away with moving his body and that no one would find out...but you guessed it! They decided to do an autopsy and they were soon going to find out what they had done if the autopsy went through! Now I'm not sure of her position exactly but I'm pretty sure it's really high up if she comes in contact with people like the pastor and people like the President. But back to the action, when she finds out that there will be one she calls him up and asks him to do two favors; 1) Make sure the autopsy doesn't happen 2) Let her go b/c she doesn't wanna have the affair any longer. He agrees to both but not willingly.
      All the while that is going on the Pastor's wife is trying to come to an even ground with the mistress so that she doesn't go public and ruin his reputation. She asks for 6 million, which is not accepted well by the wife. (I also just now found out that the lady having the affair with the president name's is Kerry Washington, in the show it is Olivia Pope) Olivia meets the mistress at her house and tells her that no one will believe her, she is absolutely crazy for asking for six million and that she should just lower her price or else she will not get anything. She then says "(insert name here) come here and sit with Mommy" as the child walks out who is about 4 or 5 years old she says, "Doesn't he look just like his father?" She knows right then that the six million is back in the picture.
    So the rest of the episode revolves around trying to find a common ground and making a parallel between the Pastor, his wife and his mistress and the President, his wife and his mistress Olivia. All in all it had some pretty good twists! Scandal is now added to my shows to watch on Thursdays =)

Friday, October 5, 2012

Best Show Ever is BIZZAACKKKK

      EVERYONE and I mean EVERYONE knows that my favorite all time show is Greys Anatomy! I have been watching every thursday, when new episodes air, since seventh grade when I first found out about the show. I almost instantly fell in love with Meredith Grey, the main character, as she tried to fight to win the love of McDreamy, Derek Shephard. "So pick me. Choose me. Love me." One of the famous quotes from the show when McDreamy had to pick between her and his wife. I was there when she was mistress and I am here now as they are now a couple with an African adopted baby, Zula. They are both doctors and are doctors in the well known hospital Seattle Grace. 
      Although it may not be well known for all the best reasons. It is true they house some of the best doctors but it also true that there was a shooter within the hospital who took hostages and killed many people. They have been many other tragedies on the show as Izzy, an intern and close of friend them all, contracted cancer and was somewhat forced to quit because she got so weak. For the longest Izzy was my favorite because she seemed the most relatable. She was always some what frazzled and when something bothered her although she didn't say it, people could easily read her actions and draw conclusions from then. But when she did actually explode it all came out and she talked really fast, just like me, and no one could really understand her.
      There was also George O'Malley who was also an intern who decided to go and serve his country and on his way he tried to save a little girl from getting hit by a bus. He ended up sacrificing his life for the little girl =( They have been so many occasions where I have cried because of all of the deaths and deep moments. I honestly can't tell you how many times I have cried. But I would have to say the thing I have cried over the most was the season finale of the last season. Most of the doctors decided to go a convention of some sort and on their way the plane crashed. You couldn't tell who was going to live and who wasn't. Its not until two episodes back into the season that you actually find out what happens. If you watch next Thursday, ABC at 9, you will be able to catch up and start watching right along with me =)

Breaking Amish

      I have been watching Breaking Amish going on I think...four weeks now. And I have loved EVERY episode of it. I am most definitely obsessed now and I have gotten others to watch the show as well! I bother all my friends to watch because it's that amazing. I got really excited while watching the last one because he got off at the stop my aunt lives at! 111th Jamaice Avenue. He got off there to go a driving lesson. The Amish do not use anything powered by electricity so they do not know how to drive cars. On another episode they all got cell phones and I was so happy to see how excited they were! I was kind of more excited than them...don't judge me. 
      I thought the reason behind them not being able to have cellphones was interesting. They don't want them to have cell phones because then they will have contact with people outside of the Amish community and might be persuaded to decide to leave. I would have to say that my favorite of them is Sabrina. It used to be Jeremih but now that Sabrina went out, found her Puerto Rican side and became beautiful she's definitely my fav! It sounds superficial but it's really not...once again don't judge me >.< 
      She seems to be letting her personality show now that she feels better about herself. It's really fun to go on this exploration of a whole new world with them. I love seeing their reactions to something that is every day life to me. To things that, as Americans, should not shock us so much. They're just much a foreigner as someone from Africa is. 
       Jeremih, of the guys, decided while the others went to go get sushi that he would go off and do his own thing. "I came here to be with English people Amish people" was explanation for leaving them. Jeremih explained the "English" term while getting a tattoo, something that is beyond forbidden in the Amish country. He said that now that he has one there is definitely no way he can ever be accepted back into his culture. But back to the English! They call us that because we speak English. They speak Dutch. So when everyone went out to get new clothes, everyone was excited because they were "English" clothes. 
      While others simply tried to find their English side Sabrina, who was adopted into an English family but actually Puerto Rican and white, wanted to find mout more about her Puerto Rican heritage. Sabrina went about trying to find out where to go the same way she would if she were back at home...bad idea. Sabrina was trying to find out where to go to be around Puerto Ricans so she decided to ask random people for we all know not to ask people in NYC for help because we know we probably won't get an answer or even a reply. She was asking around and no would answer her some just blatantly ignored her. She said if she was back home someone would have pulled a map and highlighted the path she had to take. Welcome to the English world guys. Everyone should definitely tune in next weekend Sunday at 10 PM to join the journey with us!

Cray Cray TV Shows

Now a days it seems like anyone can get a reality show and by anyone, I mean anyone. At seven years old reality stars, such as Honey Boo Boo, are being made. People who have "abstract" religions who people think have died out or people no longer practice it, are getting their own shows. Shows are also being created to show insight into different ways of life, with people of different economy classes. There are shows focused on fashion, shows focused on sports and shows focused on random families.

Lately, I've begun to watch literally any show that comes on tv. Last year I started to watch Sister Wives, a show that has had four seasons on TLC. If you haven't heard anything about it, the series is focused on a modern Mormon family based out of Colorado. Within the family there are four wives and seventeen children. 

It's amazing to see how four, seemingly different, families come together to make one big family. My parents however can not understand why I find it so interesting or why I record the series throughout the year. This makes there narrow mindedness so apparent, and so annoying. I like to see the other cultures and ways of life in America. They don't believe that their way of life is right so they don't see why I even bother. Although I don't agree that you should have that many wives, or more than one for that matter, I still think its quite interesting and doing me no harm to watch.

Another my parents absolutely DESPISE is Teen Moms. My parents yell at me every time they see me watching it. They tell me how trashy of a show of its, how it sets a terrible example for young teenage girls and they don't deserve their own show. But I beg to differ. I don't see why my parents think the show is going to be a bad influence on me. They raised me right and I know right from wrong. I don't see why they think me watching a show about pregnant teenagers will erase everything they've taught me over the years.