Friday, October 5, 2012

Cray Cray TV Shows

Now a days it seems like anyone can get a reality show and by anyone, I mean anyone. At seven years old reality stars, such as Honey Boo Boo, are being made. People who have "abstract" religions who people think have died out or people no longer practice it, are getting their own shows. Shows are also being created to show insight into different ways of life, with people of different economy classes. There are shows focused on fashion, shows focused on sports and shows focused on random families.

Lately, I've begun to watch literally any show that comes on tv. Last year I started to watch Sister Wives, a show that has had four seasons on TLC. If you haven't heard anything about it, the series is focused on a modern Mormon family based out of Colorado. Within the family there are four wives and seventeen children. 

It's amazing to see how four, seemingly different, families come together to make one big family. My parents however can not understand why I find it so interesting or why I record the series throughout the year. This makes there narrow mindedness so apparent, and so annoying. I like to see the other cultures and ways of life in America. They don't believe that their way of life is right so they don't see why I even bother. Although I don't agree that you should have that many wives, or more than one for that matter, I still think its quite interesting and doing me no harm to watch.

Another my parents absolutely DESPISE is Teen Moms. My parents yell at me every time they see me watching it. They tell me how trashy of a show of its, how it sets a terrible example for young teenage girls and they don't deserve their own show. But I beg to differ. I don't see why my parents think the show is going to be a bad influence on me. They raised me right and I know right from wrong. I don't see why they think me watching a show about pregnant teenagers will erase everything they've taught me over the years.

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