Monday, October 8, 2012

Scandalicious? Maybe Maybeee

      After Greys Anatomy I decided I was so blown away that I didn't get up, I just stayed on the couch. But, to my pleasure, there was a new series coming on that I had never seen. So my mama and I decided to watch it together =) the name Scandal really does the fit the show as it is VERY scandalous. The main character, I don't remember her name but she's played by that black lady with the weird lips, is having an affair with the President of the United States =O shockerrrrr! So she able to pull some strings on the case she is working on. A well known Pastor, known as Americas Pastor, is found dead on top his mistress of about 6 or 7 years. So they have to move the body from the hotel his house so that his wife can lie and say that is where she found him. If it got out that he had been having an affair that whole time his reputation would have been done for.
      They thought they would not ask for an auto topsy because of some weird reason...I forget, but yeah, so they thought they were in the clear and would get away with moving his body and that no one would find out...but you guessed it! They decided to do an autopsy and they were soon going to find out what they had done if the autopsy went through! Now I'm not sure of her position exactly but I'm pretty sure it's really high up if she comes in contact with people like the pastor and people like the President. But back to the action, when she finds out that there will be one she calls him up and asks him to do two favors; 1) Make sure the autopsy doesn't happen 2) Let her go b/c she doesn't wanna have the affair any longer. He agrees to both but not willingly.
      All the while that is going on the Pastor's wife is trying to come to an even ground with the mistress so that she doesn't go public and ruin his reputation. She asks for 6 million, which is not accepted well by the wife. (I also just now found out that the lady having the affair with the president name's is Kerry Washington, in the show it is Olivia Pope) Olivia meets the mistress at her house and tells her that no one will believe her, she is absolutely crazy for asking for six million and that she should just lower her price or else she will not get anything. She then says "(insert name here) come here and sit with Mommy" as the child walks out who is about 4 or 5 years old she says, "Doesn't he look just like his father?" She knows right then that the six million is back in the picture.
    So the rest of the episode revolves around trying to find a common ground and making a parallel between the Pastor, his wife and his mistress and the President, his wife and his mistress Olivia. All in all it had some pretty good twists! Scandal is now added to my shows to watch on Thursdays =)

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